[. . . ] UHVWHGRQDVWDEOHDQGKHDWUHVLVWLQJVXUIDFH - 7RWDOO\XQZLQGWKHSRZHUFRUG Check that the domestic mains voltage is the same as the voltage indicated on the label of the device. [. . . ] Put a sheet on the drip pan or on the grill and the other one covering food. :KHQFRRNLQJIRRGVXVLQJWKHJULOORUWKHEDVNHWHYHQO\GLVWULEXWHRLORQIRRGWRPDNHLW PRUHFUXQFK\DQGJROGHQ. When cooking food using the grill, the spit or the basket, also place the drip pan at the lowest level of the cooking compartment to collect fats. To avoid fumes, odors and incrustations, it is advisable to pour a little water into the drip pan. FRPSDUWPHQW 3ODFHWKHJULOORUWKHGULSSDQVRWKDWWKHIRRGLVDWOHDVWFPDZD\IURPWKHKHDWLQJHOHPHQWV placed in the upper part of the cooking compartment. Do not overload the grills, the drip pan or the basket with too much food. [. . . ] In the container there are VRPHUHVLGXDOVRIJUHDVHOHIW IURPWKHSUHYLRXVFRRNLQJ I tilfælde af stegning af fødevarer med olie anvend to aluminiumfolier for at undgå kogende ROLHVSU¡MWSnVWHJHUXPPHWVPRGVWDQGH$QEULQJHQIROLHSnIHGWGU\SSHSDQGHQHOOHUSnULsten og en for at dække fødevaren. [. . . ]